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"The bravest and most rewarding thing I've ever done was remembering who I AM; and BEing that."
Dawn Sinclair

Group, One-on-One Coaching and Self Realization Programs

Expand beyond understanding and believing into grounded Knowing 

The One-on-One Experience


Discover a deep level of Self Realization in a compassionate and confidential setting.

In these expansive sessions you will reconnect and reunite with  YOU.

I support you as you bring conscious awareness to your life.

Gain a greater sense of confirmation, clarity and understanding that will  empower you to take the steps toward living in alignment with your natural essence and true potential.

A coming home to the essence of who you're here to be.


If like many, you have denied your authenticity for a long while, you may find it difficult to distinguish what's of the mind vs. the wisdom of your BEing. 

You already have all that is needed, your soul is waiting. I am here to help light your way back to center.


With heartfelt dedication and a commitment to living a Soul centered life myself, I am honored to accompany you on your path of self-realization and guide you towards radiant alignment.














Life by Design

When your INNER world and your OUTER world align, this is authentic power.

Once you've made the conscious choice to approach the rest of your life from this placeyou are  able to maintain a Soul Centered Life.

A holistic combination of spiritual alignment coaching, the wisdom of Human Design, the Gene Keys, intuitive insight and a variety of modalities designed to help you find practical ways to begin living in alignment with who you've come to be.


Each session is as unique as you are are.  Your session is designed to meet you where you are, highlight what it is you need to receive in this moment of your life now and provide the practical and spiritual scaffolding for you to begin your journey immediately experiencing lasting tangible change.


Cultivate deep awareness, insight and self assurance.

Together we will be examining and weaving together the tapestry of depth and brilliance of who you truly are.


It's time to rediscover your genius,  embody your wholeness and excitement for life.


90 minutes session

$250 + tax



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Vibrational Tune Up

Just like you wouldn’t expect your car to work without oil, you can’t expect your own self to be working at its prime continually without a tune-up.


This type of session is for those of you who are doing the work, yet feel yourself experiencing "the dip" in energy.

It is also for you if you are in a state of joy and high vibration and simply wish to maintain that resonance. 


​Each session is as unique as you are. The Session is intuitively led;  you will experience exactly what it is you need in the moment in order to align you with the things that will ultimately contribute to your highest expansion. 


Experience personalized coaching and intuitive guidance in relation to your present energies.  Vibrational tune ups are intended to leave you feeling grounded in a deepened sense of who you are are. We will revisit your Human Design blueprint to review your energetic signatures ensuring you are on your alignment path


Regular Session - 90 min


Core Clarity

Spiritual Alignment 3 month Experience

Living in alignment with who you've come to BE is not about seeking for the answers in a place somewhere 'out there'.  Since your time of birth you have had access to all you need.
Based on individual circumstance, upbringing and social conditioning most of us loose sight of much of this wisdom.
Like a  coming home, You will not only uncover and explore the truth of who you are energetically, but begin bridging these new discoveries into your current life in a tangible and practical way.​
Strengthening your trust in your own inner knowing.
Gain a solid understanding of how You are designed to interact with the world with least resistance and most reward. 
Feel reassured and confident as we navigate your Blueprint.
Confidently understand your Whys.
Learn how to best manage your energy.
Connecting your spiritual, physical and mental self; anchoring in so you can radiate out!


Sure, it's fun to discover the knowledge within your Human Design and Gene Keys  but I am passionate about going deeper.  
The real magic begins when you begin to live your design; as you start to integrate and embody your new understanding into your current life. 
This is not a cookie cutter program, each session will be a personalized in depth journey to ensure you receive what YOU need.
As your spiritual mentor, you will have support from me  by your side as you begin to experience your incredible shifts. 






  • What you could expect in this Coaching Container

  • Bi weekly, 90 minute Mentoring Sessions

  • Continued support between sessions ( Voxer, Messenger and Email )

  • A fully customized experience designed to best serve and support YOU and your unique needs. 

  • Intuitive insight from myself, my Spirit Team and card readings

  • Supportive materials delivered to your inbox which may include contemplations, prompts, practices, readings and meditations

  • A deeper connection to yourself and others

  • Countless Breakthroughs and Lots of Fun!

  • Lifetime access to video replays



An expansive, 1:1 mentoring journey
Human Design 
Gene Keys
Intuitive Guidance
Spiritual Alignment Coaching Akashic Records


 recharge and realign


VIP Retreat Day


4 hours of in person connection, clarity and deep healing in a 1:1 nurturing, transformative session.

Connect with your soul on an intimate level while receiving intuitive guidance and professional coaching to gain deep clarity in many areas of your life. 


Each Session is uniquely planned for you:

Your day may include

  • Referencing the wisdom of your Human Design & Gene Keys charts

  • Oracle messages

  • Intuitive Coaching

  • Guided Meditation and or Sound Healing ( Crystal Bowls)

  • Nourishing Refreshments

  • Supportive follow up materials

  • and the potential for magic and  so much more 


This is day like no other

If you would like to know more I would love to book a 15 minute call to discuss details. VIP days are limited and require a direct conversation prior to booking. 

A Truly Transformational Experience

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Like many,  I have you been caught in the endless cycle of trying to be something; believing fulfillment and joy would come once I had achieved something or if I were to do or acquire this or that.

I can honestly tell you, that I was unaware of how much of life's richness was passing me by until the point I began my own Self Discovery Journey.

The truth is we are never without our true Self. It's always there, we are always connected to it. Sometimes we just forget. It becomes buried under learned behaviors and labels we have falsely identified as who we are. 


I have come to know myself on a deeply intimate level and I can confidently say that part of my purpose is to support and empower others through their own unique experience. 

I am continually learning, lifting veils and discovering myself on a deeper level. There is so much beauty to the layers below the surface  of who we present to the world. We simply need to remember. 

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